Profil Tarlani, ST.,MT.

A. General Identity

1 Unisba Employee ID number D.19.0.796
2 Gender Male
3 Functional Lecturer
4 NIDN (National Lecturer Master Number)  0412029203
5 e-mail
6 Graduates Who Have Been Produced
7 Courses taught 1. Technique of  Planning Evaluation
2. Village Economy
3. Planning Law and Administration
4. Geospatial Studio
5. Development Finance


B. Education Background

Bachelor (S-1) Master (S-2) Doctoral (S-3)
Name of College Institut Teknologi Bandung Institut Teknologi Bandung
Knowledge field Urban and Regional Planning Policy Planning and Development Management
Year of Entry-Pass 2010-2014 2016-2018
Thesis / Dissertation Title Eksplorasi kesiapan pemerintah dalam penerapan green infrastructure sebagai pengendali banjir di sub DAS Citarum Hulu(Exploration of Government Readiness on green infrastructure implementation as flood restraint in sub Citarum Hulu) Karakteristik Pengembangan BUMDes Bersama sebagai bentuk kerjsama antar desa (Studi kasus BUMDes Danar garut, Kabupaten Garut)(Characteristic of Joint BUMDes Development as Village Partnership forming)Case Study BUMDes Danar Garut.
Name of Supervisor / Promoter Dr. Sri Maryati ST,MIP Dr. Suhirman SH, MT

C. Conferences and Publications

Akun Sinta

Akun Google Scholar

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