
Kajian konsep pariwisata merupakan kajian yang membahas secara mendalam konsep pariwisata di lokasi tertentu. Konsep yang akan digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah Tourism Social Entrepreneurship dan Regional Tourism Innovative System. Tourism Social Entrepreneurship merupakan konsep yang berdasarkan pada pariwisata berbasis komunitas di mana mengedepankan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan. Tourism Social Entrepreneurship berdasar juga pada Social Capital dalam menjalankan konsepnya. Regional Tourism Innovative System merupakan konsep pengembangan pariwisata yang berdasar pada Actors, Conditions, dan Processes.

Tujuan dari tugas praktikum pariwisata ini adalah mahasiswa mampu mengkaji konsep-konsep yang cocok untuk pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia. Sasaran dari tugas ini adalah mengidentifikasi data-data terkait konsep-konsep pariwisata dan mengimplementasikan konsep-konsep pariwisata tersebut pada lokasi pariwisata di Indonesia.

Tema :Tourism Social Entrepreneurship

Tourism Social Entrepreneurship menggunakan Social Capital sebagai ujung tombak penerapannya. Social Capital terdiri dari Human, Nature, Built, Financial, Social, Political, dan Cultural.

No Capitals Descriptions
1 Human Capital Community’s talents, education and skills that will enable them to utilise and improve their assets, outsource resources that are not present in their locality, and perform specific roles in TSE
2 Nature Capital Geography, natural environment and resources of a place, including its landforms, plants and wildlife, which in many cases compose the core tourist attractions at a destination
3 Built Capital Made physical structures such as buildings, roads and other facilities that support the mobilisation of TSE
4 Financial Capital Monetary resources required to develop a community’s infrastructure and capacity to fund TSE projects
5 Social Capital Social structures and networks within a community as well as tourism social entrepreneurs’ networking abilities
6 Political Capital Power dynamics and relations between institutions within a community, including tourism social entrepreneurs’ ability to influence local decisions
7 Cultural Capital Totality of a community’s way of life including their customs and traditions that impact their worldview and actions, influencing the design and delivery of tourism experiences

Regional Tourism Innovative System

Regional Tourism Innovative System menggunakan Actors, Conditions, dan Processes dalam melakukan penerapan di lokasi pariwisata.

No Dimensions Descriptions
1 Actors the existence of actors, namely tourism firms and non-firm organisations engaged in networks
2 Conditions conditions, which are regional specific factors that positively influence innovative practices
3 Processes processes of knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and collective learning